Redbridge is becoming a hive for litterers

In my recent experience of travelling through Ilford, I have been noticing a large amount of litter on the streets, particulary in areas around where bins are located in the town centre.

The bins are often full beyond capacity so rubbish overflows onto the floor causing trip hazards and making the town centre unattractive.

Moreover, a larger number of residents then ever are throwing bread on the streets causing an increase in the number of vermin, such as pigeons and rats.

Never before have I seen so many rats and pidgeons on the streets which is frightening because the potential spread of disease. Furthermore the increase in pigeons is causing damage to property, evidence of this is seen on our town hall which has pigeon spikes covering all areas of roofing to prevent them perching there.

We desperately need more enforcement officers in the town centre preventing people littering and throwing bread to preseve the aesthetic and salubrity of the town centre.

We also need litter campaigns such as that run by Habiba Ahmed from Redbridge Recycling to proliferate in areas such as the town centre.  Volunteer led schemes like this will make local people a part of the solution.

I would be very willing to help organise one if I sense there are people wiling to commit.


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