Covid-19: How I survived...

Here I am introducing Father Gareth of St Mary's Church, Ilford as he prays before serving food he has delivered from his church.

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've written a blog. But I'd like to share my experiences during this lock down, so far, as I try to keep occupied and sane.

During the time that I have been at home, I have become a teacher to my younger siblings. They have been given work by their school which consists of online work given and some sheets that they receive once a month. I help with their time management and with any subjects they might struggle with.

As I was preparing for my GCSE's not too long ago (now cancelled :D), I can help my sister, who is in year 7, with many of her current subjects such as Spanish and science. The fact that I have studied them to a greater extent than her and to a good standard means I am competent enough. I find it very rewarding when I help my sisters, as I can help better their learning experience and I am also learning new things from them everyday.

My middle sister Naomi is very excited because her school is organising a zoom meeting with her year group. I wish my school would do something like that! I sometimes feel isolated and alone and it would be good just to catch up with everyone, even if just once, to share experiences and see what others are doing to stop themselves going crazy.

Although I do stay at home most of the day, I regularly help my mum in the evenings to give food to the homeless. My mum and I cook daily meals and receive food from other generous people in the community.

I also travel to supermarkets like Tesco's and Waitrose to help my mum collect food for the foodbank's that are held every morning. Helping the homeless has made me feel better about myself as I feel like I am giving back to my community. I know that the work I do is helping the homeless as and those out of work because of the lockdown as people express their gratitude in kind words and socially-distanced gestures. We are also providing other essentials to them that our visitors might not be able to afford or even find due to the panic buying, which includes toiletries and toilet roll which is scarcely found in shops - a bizarre outcome of the COVID-19 lockdown!

Part of my duties when feeding the homeless is to also help my mum with home deliveries for the elderly or people who have a severe medical condition, and are therefore at high risk. Self-imposed self-isolation has become a norm for them, so I try to smile and say a few comforting words from afar where possible.

Once, I had to travel to London to deliver some food to a homeless person at Charing Cross. While I was there I visited Trafalgar Square, and made a video that illustrates how effective our lockdown has been. It is meant to be humorous as I was posting it up the day before April Fools day, however the video expresses how a tiny virus can bring nations to a halt. The once beautiful city of London which is known to be a  bustling city of heritage and culture is now empty. I believe that I'll never witness anything like that ever again.

I know we have been instructed to stay at home to decrease the spread of the virus, nevertheless we are allowed out for at least 1 hour to exercise. I have taken this opportunity to practise my football skills further and have even started to cycle again. The exercise keeps me physically fit and feeling good and keeps the looming insanity at bay.  It feels refreshing to have the warm breeze hit my face now and again, and of late, the weather has been perfect to enjoy a little sport.

I hope everyone is coping well with the restrictions we are enduring, which are for the benefit for all. I am praying we all stay safe and for this terrible predicament to come to an end soon.

Making use of our time will be beneficial, as their will be a return to school eventually.  My advice would be that everyone doesn't spend all their time with their phones but start to connect with family and friends. Perhaps take up new interests like reading or art or gardening...


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